Grace's Mosaic Moments

Monday, October 31, 2011

More on Mad as @#$%

Monday, October 31, 2011

Re: my letter of October 26, 2011, to Mr. Phillip Brown, Executive Director of OIA and the Executive Airport.

This morning I had a 20-minute phone call from the Customer Service Manager - Operations at the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority. She was appalled, she told me, as was Mr. Brown, by what happened curbside at Terminal A on Wednesday evening. Portions of my letter would be used in re-training sessions planned for the curbside parking attendants. She had already faxed my letter to their supervisors. She even asked me for physical descriptions of the two attendants mentioned in my letter.

We ended up discussing our children, my books, e-readers, etc., but of greatest importance was the fact that I felt there might be changes made. And perhaps the biggest moral of the story: don't accept rude behavior. We really don't have to "take it." Complain. And complain to the highest authority where it might do some good. The pen really can be mightier than the sword.


Next on Mosaic Moments: My latest online upload, The Sometime Bride & the novella Mistletoe Moment, due out November 10.


  1. Good for you, Grace. Sounds like your letter will really make a difference.

  2. Awesome, Grace. :D I truly hope it does make a difference. Nobody needs to deal with that stuff.

  3. That's awesome.... I have a complaint to make with what I found that they are openly selling at Spencers in the Mall - toys - and I don't mean kids toys.... clear packages with these itmes coming in tween shades of pink, blue, green and purple. And in the ALtamonte Mall there's a Spencers right next to the play area! I have got to write, or get YOU to write a letter to the head of the malls!!!
